June 5th- I can't believe how fast that school year flew by and how fast these kiddos are growing up so fast!! Kali was chosen as a Leadership Ambassador this year as a 4th grader and she took her job very seriously and did a great job helping to lead and organize spirit days help make decisions for the student body, and also be a morning greeter before school. We are so proud of Kali and all her hard work to take on this responsibility and still get an academic award and outstanding reader award!! Below is an example of a poster she made all by herself. Justin was a morning greeter as well with Kali and he did a great job and loved being a part of something! Zach had a great year and ended with an academic award and outstanding reader award as well!! We are so proud of these amazing kids of ours and we can't wait for what the future has in store for them!!!
On the last day of school the whole school and all the parents lined up outside to cheer on all the 5th graders who are moving on to middle school next year! It was sooo cool and a little emotional! I can't believe my Zach graduated Elementary School! We had a big surprise for the boys once they walked out after school... A friend of Zach's, Cole's Mom arranged for a bunch of the boys to be picked up in a limo and take them to In n Out and other fun stops around the town for a couple hours. It was a BIG Surprise!! The boys thought this was super cool and they had a blast together! A day to remember for sure!!!

Way to go, Kali and Zach on your Awards! I LOVE the fun photos of Zach, Justin & friends! Looks like they all had a blast!!!!